How Can A Single Man Have So Much Power?
And not to glorify these shmucks I just want toknow how they became soooo powerful...
Pablo? I can see why(drug cartel)...
but Hitler I'm still not coming up
with an explanation of why
they wanted him with
that much power...
who was the leader of the operation that killed millions of Americans
with his cocaine trafficking from Columbia to America
At his prime he was worth over $25 billion and offered to pay
Columbia's $10 billion debt...he had so much money while
he was hiding from Columbian and U.S. armed forces
he burned $1 million just to keep his daughter warm
So the questions is how did this fat Gangster
get soooo powerful?
He smuggled in 15 tons of cocaine to the U.S. per day (yes
Tons) and he spent $1,000 a day on rubberbands LOL
And he was supplied more than 3/4ths
of the cocaine in Columbia
Murder any and everybody in his way
Innocent or not if you were in his way consider yourself dead
Hundreds of Bombings, killed top politicians, police officers,
armed forces and even his loved ones...
Pablo had no heart whatsoever
He owned planes, cars, jets, luxury homes, you name it and
at the height of his career he was the 7th richest
human being alive worth $25 billion
asshole that killed millions and millions of people for no legitimate
reason but we never really discussed how this one
human being became soooo powerful...
and it was not overnight. After researching a little bit more
thouroughly I think I found the answers
Made Germany feel like peasants and very weak
because the treaty made them surrender which
made the people mad at the gov't
Germany was broke
and they had no answers
Hitler was a great liar bcuz the German
ppl ate all of his bull up and persuaded them to be apart
of the biggest sleighing of a human race ever
in history(besides Joseph Stalin's escapades)
Hitler was good at brainwashing
the ppl and gave them a "false hope"
I don't know how these powerful beings brainwash these
ppl to believing they're there for their best interest...
I really don't know why but throughout history these
people do exist leaders of cults, mass suicides, etc.
Its like they take your mind and make you believe
any and everything these stories I've read
are so bizarre and unbelievable...
Google These Names
Jim Jones (the real Jim Jones)
Charles Manson (of course)
Marshall Applewhite
Rape of Nanking
Stuart Walker
Idi Amin Dada
Joseph Stalin
Pol Pot
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